Processional way--looking back toward the main entrance; plan of the chapel |
Left and center; the processional way, leading to the baptismal font; right: the back of the sanctuary with a bit of the Chapel of Blessed Sacrament seen through the doorFour windows with symbolic designs are on the sloping wall. Holy oils are in a display case above the baptismal font.
The sanctuaryIf one combines the left and center images, one can get a sense of the size of the sanctuary. The focus of course is the altar. And light here--in fact mostly a hidden light source plays an important role in establishing the mystery of this sacred space. Holl designed the altar, ambo, pews and hand-blown pendant lights and wall sconce lights. A crucifix made of Alaskan cedar hangs to the left while a sculpture, Gratia Plena, honoring Mary, made of Carrara marble by Steven Heilmer, is situated on the right.
The narthex--to the right of the entranceOne could see this room as a kind of foyer. The hand-made wool carpet was designed by Holl. Windows along the front facade and the large light well illuminate this room.