Organic ChemistryUsing Molecular Models |
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Build a model of ethene ("ethylene"), and compare it to the models shown below. The "bonds" are arranged at normal trigonal planar angles of 120°. Notice that the online model does not show the double bond!
Carbon-oxygen double bonds - carbonyl groups - may be represented using the gray and red half-bonds. To represent a carbonyl group, first snap together one red and one gray half-bond; then snap a gray end-piece into the gray end of the double bond.
Carbon-nitrogen double bonds are rarer in organic chemistry, and the fact that the nitrogen's valence is not filled means that a group may be bonded to nitrogen. To represent a carbon-nitrogen double bond, take a gray double-bond piece. Snap a gray end-piece into one end to represent carbon, and a blue tetrahedral piece into the other end for nitrogen.
Triple bonds are represented using the gray triple-bond pieces. Each piece represents two carbon atoms with a triple bond between them and one open valence for each atom. Notice that triple bonds have a normal bond angle of 180°. Carbon-nitrogen triple bonds are also possible (such bonds are referred to as cyano or nitrile groups), but there is no distinct way to represent them with a "sticks-only" kit. However, Darling Models has recently added Atom Visions pieces to its kits which allow one to represent ball-and-stick models; using these pieces, one can distinguish unambiguously between e.g. propyne and acetonitrile.
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