Welcome to the home page for this section of Issues
in Modern America. This page contains links to sites that you may find
useful, informative, and even entertaining in learning more about
American history and culture, especially since the middle of this
century. It also includes a large amount of material accumulated during
the Spring 2006 and earlier versions of the course, including daily
lesson plans and links that
members discovered (most are still good, but no guarantees!).
Contemporary Social Issues and Politics: A Beginning List of Web Sources On-line newspapers and magazines across the political spectrum. NOTE: The Onion is not a straight news source . . .
Academic Universe Excellent Lexis-Nexus database with full-text articles from a huge set of sources. Accessible through Musselman Library information resources or directly from this link.
American Studies Web A good starting point for all sorts of research.
American Studies Crossroads Project Georgetown U. site with links to lots of useful resources.
History Course Links--An Electronic Anthology Links to lots of history-related sites.
Dynamic Syllabi in American Studies Syllabi and materials for American Studies courses taught at Georgetown U.
Updated Links and Pages for Spring 2003:
Daily Files for Spring
The Syllabus for Spring
on MLA documentation from the Bedford Handbook.
Howard Zinn, from The American Ideology: click
Joseph Needleman on "Founding America": click here
Short interview with Needleman: http://www.jacobneedleman.com/images/PubWeek2.gif
A longer interview with Needleman: http://www.newdimensions.org/article/needleman.html
Walter Wink, "Can Love Save the World?": click here
Underreported Issues
Students, vote for your favorites by 12/5 and receive extra credit!
Fall 2002 Syllabus Now includes the revised course schedule (posted 9/18/02).
Files Links to daily lesson plans for both fall 2002 and spring
2002, including web links students discovered and responses to the
Material from Spring 2002
Web sites class members found, organized by date on a single page (thanks to Lauren Selleck!).
Some links to reviews and information on course readings
More specialized sites (working as of spring 2002):
Letter from Naomi Shihab Nye, Arab-American Poet: To Any Would-Be Terrorists.
Malcolm X links Pictures, information and quotes concerning and by Malcolm X.
Excerpts from Malcolm X speeches From the WebCorp audio archives.
Archer Audio Archives--MLK speeches on audio
The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers Project Many primary and secondary documents by and about MLK.
Historical Text Archive Primary texts from all over the world, including many from U. S. history.
Grover Furr's Vietnam War Page Excellent material and many links to other Vietnam-related sites.
Popular Culture in the 1960s Syllabus, material and links for another American Studies course.
Michael Moore home page Site with lots of material by the creator of Roger and Me.
Michael Moore, the Left, and Intellectuals Opinion piece on Moore's criticism of the intellectual left for abandoning the working class.
Brief account of the Haymarket Riot
The Great Flint Sitdown Photos and some text describing the Flint strike of 1936-37.
A Short History of American Labor From a union site.
History of Labor Unions From an education site.
1999 U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics on unions
Government-Granted Coercive Power: How Big Labor Blocks the Freedom Agenda Anti-Union Speech by Reed Larson, Hillsdale College, 1999
We'll Close! Analysis of threats of plant closings.
AFL-CIO home page Home page for the largest U.S. labor union.
Part of the Rodney King video from Court TV
Farm Union Takes Aim at a Big Pickle Maker Story from N.Y. Times about FLOC, led by BC graduate Baldemar Velasquez
Another October Surprise Review of recent biography of Richard Nixon from The Nation
The Lost 45s Site
featuring singles from the 60s, 70s, and 80s that are seldom played
even on oldies stations