Day 26  April 17, 2003


1. Names. I’ll hand out the final next time; again, journals and papers are due then. Those who gave me journals last time, I’ll just hold them—give me the earlier ones, and any last-minute ones, and a total of the hours that you put in.


2. Today, my main aim is to work with those materials you all came up with for last time, ask some questions about what we found and (perhaps) what we didn’t find.


Pass out sheet, discuss: break into groups, consider the four questions here, regroup and discuss. Be ready to report, and somebody take notes to give me: I’ll use these as I work on the final questions.


Some recent pieces I’ve found compelling:


David Batstone, “Saving the Corporate Soul”


David Wiggins, “Fight This War If You Must, But Don’t Fight It for Me”


Michael Moore on “My Oscar Backlash”


Derrick Z. Jackson, “America’s One-Sided Prayers”


Ann Scott Tyson, “US troops' anguish: Killing outmatched foes”