Bluffton University

excerpts from

The Brothers Karamazov

by Fyodor Dostoevsky

These excerpts are used in Dan Berger's section of LAS 400, Christian Values in Global Community. Excerpting follows Charles B. Guignon, Ed. The Grand Inquisitor, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. (1993).

A thumbnail sketch of the characters

Book V   --   Pro and Contra

Book VI   --   The Russian Monk.

    Notes of the Life of the deceased Priest and Monk, the Elder Zossima

  1. Father Zossima's Brother
  2. Of the Holy Scriptures in the Life of Father Zossima
  3. The Duel
  4. The Mysterious Visitor
  5. Conversations and Exhortations of Father Zossima

  6. The Russian Monk and his possible Significance
  7. Of Masters and Servants, and of whether it is possible for them to be Brothers in the Spirit
  8. Of Prayer, of Love, and of Contact with other Worlds
  9. Can a Man judge his Fellow Creatures? Faith to the End
  10. Of Hell and Hell Fire, a Mystic Reflection
Excerpts taken from the Constance Garnett translation at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. This text is in the public domain.