The Titan Prometheus is here depicted in his role as fire-giver to mankind, a theft which later caused him to be enchained on Mount Caucasus, where an eagle daily picked at his liver. In this work the earth is represented by the jagged mountain toward which Prometheus falls, the ocean by the rectangular pool, and the heavens by the ring with symbols of the zodiac inscribed upon it.
Prometheus as Fire-GiverCarved in the red granite wall behind the figure is a quote from Greek dramatist Aeschylus, "Prometheus, Teacher in Every Art, Brought the Fire That Hath Proved to Mortals a Means to Mighty Ends."
Manship's figures of mankind--Youth and a Maiden, those who received his gift of fire, originally flanked Prometheus, but they were later moved and are now at the top of the staircase above the Plaza.