This three-story pavilion near Underground Atlanta features the history of Coca-Cola, which was created in Atlanta more than one hundred years ago, and showcases the largest collection of Coca-Cola memorabilia in the world. The 45,000 square foot building, divided into 4 sections, is part exhibit-hall, part fun house |
View from Martin Luther King Jr. DriveEach of the four sections is topped with a pyramidal skylight, and a Coca-Cola frieze decorates the top floor. |
Center and right: the bottle-shaped column "supporting" a cornerGrids of various sizes are also repeated--as surface patterns on the facades, in the garage door (below center), in the glass curtain wall connecting the four units, and in the entrance pavilion, with punched out squares. |
The EntranceMuseum-goers enter under the giant neon Coca-Cola globe suspended about twenty feet above them. The sign is 30 feet high and 26 feet wide. They enter a three-story atrium with flags representing the 200 plus countries where Coca-Cola is sold. From there, visitors tour the interesting and fun-filled exhibition galleries. |