Examples of Works in the Museum of Art/Fine Arts Museum
page 7 (of seven pages)

Twentieth Century Works

Vuong Hoc Bao
At the Age of 20, 1980


Hua Tu Hoia
Song Sli [Ethnic Song], 1980


Nguyen Thi Hoa
Mother and Child, 1982


Nguyen Xuan Thanh
Tree of Life, earthenware, 1983


Le Thi Thinh
Girl of Alternate Song, 1985


Center: Bac Son, 1985

Right: Nguyen Hoang Anh
Sound of Cham Pan-Flute, 1990


Ta Quang Bao
Waiting for the Husband's Return, wood, 1993


Pham Sinh
Mother and Child, 1993


Left: Nguyen Ha
Mother and Child, 1993; center and right: Nguyen Phu Cuon
Tuong Niem Memorial, date?

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Page created by Mary Ann Sullivan